Heart disorders can lead to life-threatening conditions if not treated properly. From arrhythmia to coronary artery disease, different cardiac issues need proper diagnosis. The best cardiologist in Vadodara recommends some tests to diagnose the condition. The medical report allows the expert to determine custom treatment.

Find the list of diagnostic tests for your cardiac diseases.

Echocardiogram- To diagnose pericardial and congenital heart diseases

This test involves using ultrasound technology to generate a clear image of your heart. A probe is used on your chest to conduct the test. It allows the cardiologist to detect any issue with your heart's chambers and valves. The experts will perform an echocardiogram before and after physical workouts. It helps them find the part of your heart that is not receiving smooth blood flow.

An echocardiogram also detects your

  • Heart size
  • The relaxation and contraction of cardiac muscles

MRI- To detect heart tumors and heart valve disorders

Using radio waves and strong magnets, MRI produces detailed cardiac images (moving or still) on a computer. No radiation is used for this diagnostic test. However, during the scanning process, you will hear a drumming noise. The MRI expert will use a special dye to make your coronary arteries and cardiac parts visible. The report enables the doctor to understand how well your heart is functioning. 

Electrocardiogram- To diagnose abnormal heart rhythms

An electrocardiogram machine interprets your heart's electrical impulses by placing wire leads and sticky dots. The leads are fitted to the machine that captures impulses and provides a printout. 

The machine generates a graph that shows the pattern and timing of heartbeats. It allows the doctor to find irregularities in your heart's structure and rhythms.

Blood pressure- To diagnose most heart disease

Most cardiologists check your blood pressure during every appointment. The systolic pressure refers to the pressure in your blood vessels during contraction. On the contrary, diastolic pressure is created when blood fills up your heart. Your doctor will ask you to visit the clinic regularly to monitor your blood pressure. He will also provide tips for controlling pressure. 

Blood tests to detect the cholesterol level

Some cardiac specialists order blood tests to check the cholesterol level. The cholesterol test determines how much cholesterol and fat are present in your bloodstream. The best cardiologist in Vadodara recommends these tests to identify the risk of heart attack and cardiac disorders.

These tests also detect various types of fat.

  • High-density lipoprotein cholesterol- Beneficial to your arteries and overall health
  • Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol- Bad for your health because of the risk of fat buildup in your arteries.
  • Triglycerides- People with diabetes have this fat in their blood. 

Many cardiologists also recommend C-reactive tests to detect inflammation signs in your body.

Tilt test- To diagnose the cause of light-headedness

This non-invasive test is intended to check your heart rate and blood pressure while standing up or lying down. It helps the doctor to know the root cause of symptoms like dizziness and light-headedness. Sometimes, these symptoms indicate your heart rate and blood pressure. The electrophysiology department of a clinic conducts this test.

Stress test- To assess exercise-induced symptoms

A doctor orders a stress test to determine if your heart is working smoothly during your physical activities. The doctor will ask you to use an exercise machine to check your heart rhythm and rate.

So, these are some tests for diagnosing cardiac problems. Before you start treatment, consult a qualified cardiologist at the heart hospital in Vadodara to get guidance. The medical report after the test helps the expert choose the right expert.